Monday, May 20, 2013

Papi Jo

It's Revolution Time!! We have this thing called Revolution here at school every other Friday. It's where the entire school gathers together to celebrate the really wonderful things that are happening on our campus. One way we do that is by 5 min of fame. This is a time where every class gets up on stage and does a presentation that they create all on their own.

This time was no different for 8th grade. Here was their plan...
1. Create a song that has never been used before.
2. Create a dance that has never been done before.
3. Teach the dance to the entire school.
4. Upload the dance to youtube
5. Watch it go viral!

We are currently on step #5, so help us out and learn El Ritmo de Papi Jo!! Enjoy!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Byker Family

The Bykers are members of our Doulos family. Mama and Papa Byker have been blessed with baby Hannah. But unfortunately baby Hannah had been going through health problems. But God reflected his power through this struggle by showing everyone's love towards them. One specific way is that our class did a fundraiser, we sold food and recorded encouraging videos to send to them. Also we have seen people  touched by God that gave what they could afford to help baby Hannah. Continue praying for the Byker family. They are said to arrive back in the DR this week and we are beyond excited! Thank you! If you want to stay updated with the Bykers click here.

Enjoy the video!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Who We Are

Middle schoolers get a bad "rap" for being awkward, going through weird changes, loud and obnoxious. We, the 8th grade class of Doulos Discovery School, are here to change your mind. Let's be honest. We are loud; we are obnoxious; we are going through lots of changes, and we can be awkward. Let's also remind you that we are growing leaders. We are taking the plunge into preparing ourselves for high school. We are thinking about our future. We are creative thinkers. We want you to follow our work, our expeditions, our projects, and know us personally. Here's to starting our friendship together!! Enjoy!

The Class of 2017

       Juan Miguel

   “Jack in the Box”

My name is Juan Miguel and I live in Jarabacoa. I love to play sports. My favorite sports are dodgeball and football. At school you would find me anywhere throwing a football around. I’m looking forward to having fun this year.

Christian Rodriguez

“The Soccer Maniac”

Yo! What up! I know something about you…you are reading this. So, pay attention! Have you ever met someone that has ever kicked a soccer ball in to a basketball hoop from 25 meters away? Well, you know what…I’ll do that! Check out my weekly challenges!

     Max Atkinson


Imagine if you lived in the same town for your whole life and then moved to the DR. Well, I don’t have to because my family moved to the DR in the beginning of January. I love to play football and my team in Arizona has won 2 consecutive championships. Even though I didn’t know anybody, I have felt welcomed.

      Felix Caba 

 “The Anklebreaker”

Hello peeps. My name is Felix but now people start calling me Flex. I was born in Brooklyn, NY then moved to New Jersey and now I’m here in the DR. I like to play basketball and also I dance (can make choreography). You can find me in the stage or the basketball court.

Franchira Peralta

  “Joyful Noise”

I enjoy singing and can’t put down a book. Whenever you look for me around school you will find me in the library or playing volleyball with my friends. One of the greatest blessings for me is to be able to laugh with my friends and have people that love and care for me.

        Cristin Pina

  “The Sleepy Beauty”

I’m Cristin and I LOVE music. I like technology too. I have a family really joyful and full of LIFE. My mom is now the principle of the school. But I will always choose sleep over anything else. This is my 9th year at Doulos.

Madeline Echavarria

“The Double Agent”

These days this girl goes by the name of Maddey. This name fits her better because it includes her explosive personality and strong leadership qualities. She enjoys playing sports, dancing, watching movies, and talking with friends. Over the past 9 years at Doulos, she has made a lot of friends.

          Darielys Herrera 

         “The Chatterbox”

My friends would describe me as loud, laughing all the time, and never sitting still. In between classes, you can find me dancing or hanging out with my friends. I’m not really a fan of sports, but I enjoy playing volleyball. This is my 4th year at Doulos. Throughout the past 4 years, I have learned to make friends and enjoy life!

          Oliver Ritthaler 

             “The Pyro”

My name is Oliver and I live in Jarabacoa. I live up in the mountains and enjoy everyday of nature. I like playing basketball. This is my 3rd year at Doulos.